좋은글 모음/자유게시판

낸시 레이건 하늘나라로 떠나다

素彬여옥 2016. 3. 15. 19:04






전 영부인 낸시 레이건의 초상화 시미 밸리, 캘리포니아의 로널드 레이건 대통령 도서관에서 주요 입구의 문을 장식합니다.  장례식은 도서관에서 금요일에 개최됩니다




  This December 9, 1988, shows President Reagan and Nancy Reagan holding hands as they go out to greet the Bushes and the Quayles after election day at the White House






3월11일(2016년) 캘리포니아주 시미밸리의 로널드 레이건 기념도서관

(Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, north of Los Angeles) 에서

제40대 대통령 로널드 레이건 전 대통령의 부인 낸시 레이건 여사

(Nancy Reagan, a former Hollywood actress and first lady) 의 장례식이 엄수됐다.


오전 11시부터 시작된 장례식에는 가족과 친척, 전·현직 미국 대통령 가족 등

조문객 1000여 명이 참석했다.


버락 오바마 대통령의 부인 미셸 오바마 여사와 조지 부시 전 대통령 부부,

지미 카터 전 대통령 부인 로잘린 카터 여사, 힐러리 클린턴 전 국무장관,

존 F. 케네디 전 대통령 딸 캐럴라인 케네디, 리처드 닉슨 전 대통령 딸 트리시아 닉슨,

린든 존슨 전 대통령 딸 린다 버드 존슨과 루시 베인스 존슨 등이

전직 대통령 가문을 대표해 장례식에 참석했다.


레이건 정권에서 법무장관을 지낸 에드윈 미즈와 뉴트 깅리치 전 하원의장 부부,

제리 브라운 캘리포니아 주지사, 낸시 펠로시 하원 민주당 원내 대표,

아널드 슈워제네거 전 캘리포니아 주지사 등 정치인도 조문했다.


유명 앵커 케이티 쿠릭·래리 킹, 록 밴드 '비치 보이스'의 보컬이자 영화배우 마이클 러브,

 방송 작가 노먼 레어, 영화배우 보 데렉·톰 셀렉 등 유명 인사도 장례식장에 다녀갔다.

레이건 여사 생전에 친분이 깊었던 것으로 알려진 가수 조니 마티스도 장례식장을 찾았다

장례식 조사는 레이건 대통령 부부의 두 자녀와 레이건 대통령의 수석 보좌관이었던

제임스 애디슨 베이커 3세 등이 했다.


아들 론 레이건(Reagan's son, Ronald Prescott Reagan )은

레이건 여사가 남편인 레이건 전 대통령에게

절대적인 신뢰와 안내와 쉼터를 제공했다고 말했다.

레이건 여사가 아니었다면 레이건 전 대통령도 없었을 거라며 고인을 추모했다.


레이건 전 대통령 부부와 친밀한 관계를 유지했던 브라이언 멀로니 전 캐나다 총리는

레이건 전 대통령이 백악관에 입성한 첫해 크리스마스에

레이건 여사에게 보냈던 편지를 읽었다.

레이건 전 대통령은 편지에 레이건 여사가 그의 삶을 따뜻함과 사랑으로 채웠다고 썼다.


장례식이 끝나고 레이건 여사는 도서관 부지에 안장된 레이건 전 대통령 옆에 묻혔다.

레이건 전 대통령은 지난 2004년 사망했다.


지난 3월9-10일 레이건 여사의 관이 기념도서관에 안치됐을 때는 4500여 명이

이곳을 찾아 조의를 표했다. 

  The Power of Love(사랑의 힘)-line Dion(셀린 디온)

조가를 대신해 이 노래를 함께 듣기로 합니다.







California Gov Jerry Brown, First Lady Michelle Obama, former President George W Bush, former First Lady Laura Bush, Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former First Lady Rosalynn Carter and Caroline Kennedy sat in the front row (left to right) as former First Lady Nancy Reagan's casket was brought in for the service on Friday



California Gov Jerry Brown and First Lady Michelle Obama took a seat alongside former President George Bush, former First Lady Laura Bush, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the front row of the service



Former Secretary of State James Baker was one of many to reflect upon Nancy Reagan's life at Friday's funeral



Anne Peterson, Reagan's niece, spoke at the funeral before a love letter from Ronald Reagan to Nancy was read by former Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney

레이건 여사는 1981~1989년 영부인이었으며, 미국 역사상 가장 유명한 마약 퇴치 캠페인 '저스트 세이 노(Just Say No)'
캠페인을 주도한 것으로 유명하다 1981~1989년 영부인이었으며 미국 역사상 가장 유명한 마약 퇴치 캠페인
저스트 세이 노 Just Say No)'
캠페인을 주도한 것으로 유명하다.



Patti Davis, the daughter of Reagan, described her turbulent relationship with her mother and their undying love in devastating fashion at the funeral service

패티 데이비스, 레이건의 딸(Patti Davis, the daughter of Reagan)



Reagan's son, Ronald Prescott Reagan, also spoke at the funeral and described the unbelievable love and support his parents had for one another

레이건의 아들 로널드 프레스콧 레이건(Reagan's son, Ronald Prescott Reagan)



Ronald Reagan Jr takes a moment to shut his eyes while touching his mother's casket following a remembrance at her service



Michelle Obama attended the service without her husband, as Barack Obama had a prior engagement speaking at SXSW in Austin, Texas



Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is taking a break from the 2016 presidential campaign trail to attend the funeral. Former president George Bush sat in the front row with Clinton



California Governor Jerry Brown (left), first lady Michelle Obama (second left), former President George W. Bush (third left) and former first lady Laura Bush (right) leave after the funeral of Reagan



A love letter from Ronald Reagan to Nancy was read at the service by former Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney






Television journalist Tom Brokaw was one of many to speak at Reagan's funeral. Others included Reagan's children and other journalists



The casket of former US First Lady Nancy Reagan is carried by pallbearers to her gravesite at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library



An honor guard moves the casket for a graveside service for Nancy Reagan at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on Friday



A military honor guard carries the casket and is followed by Nancy Reagan's son Ronald Prescott Reagan, and daughter Patti Davis





Ronald Reagan Jr (left) and Patti Davis (right) leave to pay their final farewells to their mother, following the touching service service 



Family members surround the casket after attending the funeral services for former first lady, Nancy Reagan, on Friday



First lady Michelle Obama (right) greets Ron Reagan Jr during the graveside service for Reagan on Friday morning in Simi Valley



Patti Davis, center, greets first lady Michelle Obama, as Ronald Prescott Reagan, right, looks on during the graveside service for Nancy Reagan





Former first lady Rosalynn Carter (center) greets Patti Davis as she and former first lady Hillary Clinton (right) pay their respects at the casket



Family and close friends pause at the casket during the graveside service for Reagan following the larger service



Former President George W Bush and his wife Laura wait to pay their respects with first lady Michelle Obama during Reagan's funeral



Former Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney pauses at Nancy Reagan's casket at her gravesite at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library



Former US First Lady Laura Bush (left) and President George W Bush (right) arrive for the funeral service in Simi Valley on Friday



Former Canadian Prime Minster Brian Mulroney and his wife Mila look on during the Reagan's funeral service on Friday



Ron Reagan Jr and Patti Davis watch as the casket is laid to rest during funeral services for their mother, former First Lady Nancy Reagan



Ronald Reagan Jr blows a kiss to his mother's casket as his sister, Patti Davis, looks on, following Nancy Reagan's funeral

로널드 레이건 주니어, 그의 여동생 패티 데이비스가 어머니를 마지막 보내고 있다.



Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver wait to pay their respects to Reagan on Friday



People wishing to pay their respects wait in the rain during the graveside service for Nancy Reagan at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library



Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the US House of Representatives, and his wife Callista arrive for Reagan's funeral on Friday morning



Former California Governor Pete Wilson arrives for the funeral at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California



Larry King's wife Shawn King reacts to a fellow funeral attendee as they make their way to their seats ahead of the start of funeral services on Friday morning



Katie Couric and her husband, John Molner, make their way to their seats for the service with approximately 1,000 other guests



Bo Derek was in attendance at the funeral services among approximately 1,000 guests



Funeral attendees make their way through a hallway to the tent in which Reagan's funeral services are being held on Friday morning



Melissa Rivers makes her way to the Presidential Lbrary for the funeral ervice for former First Lady Nancy Reagan on Friday morning



Anjelica Houston makes her way to the Presidential Lbrary for the funeral ervice for former First Lady Nancy Reagan on Friday morning



US Democratic Representative from California, Nancy Pelosi (left) and her husband, Paul Pelosi, find their seats ahead of Reagan's funeral



Johnny Mathis also attended the service





Actor Gary Sinise makes his way to his seat near the US Marine Corps band, which is playing a performance at the funeral service



Former California Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger arrives for the funeral service, where he sat with his wife, Maria Shriver. The service is at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California



Blaine Trump and Steve Simon attended the funeral in Simi Valley, California, together



Larry King and his wife Shawn King make their way to their seats at Reagan's funeral services on Friday morning





Actors Mr T and Gary Sinise take their seats together at former First Lady Nancy Reagan's funeral on Friday morning



Mr T, donning camouflage gear and an American flag bandanna, was stopped outside the funeral service and searched by guards



It is unknown if Mr T was the only guest searched or if other guests were searched by security before the funeral as well



Opera singer Ana Maria Martinez sings Ave Maria during the funeral service for Nancy Reagan at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library



Funeral services for Reagan are are taking place at her late husband's presidential library in Southern California on Friday









Reagan's funeral services cap two days during which thousands of mourners filed past her flower-bedecked casket as she lay in repose at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library



The armed forces body bearer team move the casket of Nancy Reagan out of the public viewing area at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on Thursday





Sea Cadets from Bakersfield, California, greet invited guests at former first lady Nancy Reagan's funeral in Simi Valley, California, on Friday



Close relatives from ten White House families - from Caroline Kennedy to first lady Michelle Obama - are expected to attend the services for Reagan



그들은 모두 영원한 하나님의 나라로 떠났다.