미국 20대가 가장 많이 쓰는 영어
美國(United States)지도 각州
아름다운 첼로 연주곡(11곡)
참고로 알아두기..
말걸기 |
What's up? 잘 지냈니? 요즘 뭐해? 무슨일이야? |
Been keeping good. 잘 지내고 있어. |
So-so. 그저 그래. |
So far so good. 뭐 그럭저럭 지금까지는 괜찮아. |
What brings you here? 여긴 어쩐 일이니? |
You haven't changed a bit. 너 하나도 안변했다. |
You take after your father. 넌 너의 아빠를 빼다 박았구나. |
Have you got a minute? Got a sec? 시간 좀 있니? |
What's your ancestry? 넌 어느 민족이니? |
What's your sign? 네 별자리는 뭐니? |
I'm going to fix you up. 내가 소개 시켜 줄께. |
Let's set the date in stone. 날짜를 잡자. |
What do you say? 넌 어때? |
Catch you later. 나중에 보자. |
Have a good one. 좋은 하루 보내. |
Say hello to your wife. 부인한테도 안부 전해줘. |
I'll get you later. 다음에 보자. |
We'll have to get together again soon. 우리 조만간 다시 한번 모이자. |
일상적인 생활 |
Could you do me a favor? 부탁할게 있어. |
Can you do me big favor? 좀 어려운 부탁 하나만 하자. |
I'm having a little tea party on Friday. Wanna come? 금요일에 파티할건데 너 올래? |
Let me handle this. 내가 해볼께. |
It's cozy here. 분위기 좋다. |
This place is really rocking. 여기 죽인다. |
Something fishy is going on around here. 여기 좀 이상하다. |
We're just hanging around here. 그냥 어슬렁거리는 거야. |
You have a lot of hot chicks in your class. 너네 반에 괜찮은 애들 많더라. |
I saw you were trying to hit on her. 너가 그앨 꼬시려 하는 걸 봤어. |
You really dig this girl, huh? 너 이 여자애 정말 좋아하지? |
Why did you dump her? 너 왜 그 여자 찼니? |
She's after my money. 그앤 돈 때문에 나를 사귀는 거야. |
I was stood up by her yesterday. 어제 그애에게 바람맞았어. |
Can you break a hundred? 100불짜리 바꿀 잔돈 있니? |
Did you smoke pot? 너 마리화나 피웠니? |
It's a three-hanky tear-jerker. (영화)정말 슬퍼. |
Where can I freshen up? 화장실이 어디야? |
We'd better bundle up today. 추우니까 옷을 좀 껴입는게 좋겠어. |
Don't eat too much junk food. 영양가 없는 음식 많이 먹지 말아라. |
Happy birthday to you. 생일 축하해. |
This is a little something for you. 작은 선물이야. |
I's tied up at the moment. 지금 정말 바빠. |
Let me tell you something. 내가 말하지. |
If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. 한번만 더하면 백번째야. |
I'm just kidding. 농담이야. |
Can't you take a joke? 농담도 못하냐? |
Don't make fund of me. OK? 장난치지마, 알겠어? |
You make me sick. 자꾸 열받게 하는 구나. |
Knock it off 그만좀 해.. |
Don't be so sure. 너무 자신하지마. |
What makes you so sure? 너 믿는데라도 있냐? |
You are two years my senior. 그쪽이 2년 선배네요. |
I'm thirty something. 서른살쯤 됐어. |
What are friends for? 친구 좋다는게 뭐냐? |
Just between the two of us. 우리끼리 얘기다. |
Keep this conversation between you and me. 우리 둘만 알고 있는 거다. |
I'll keep this to myself. 혼자만 알고 있을께. |
I have her name right on the tip of my tongue. 그녀 이름이 생각 날듯 말듯하네. |
Keep your fingers crossed. 행운을 빌어줘. |
Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. 뱁새가 황새 따라가다간 가랑이 찢어진다. |
The situation went from bad to worse. 설상가상이야. |
There's a lid for every pot. 짚신도 짝이 있어. |
Money talks! 돈이면 다 되는 구만. 돈이 좋기는 좋다. |
Money can't buy. 돈이 다가 아야. 돈이면 다 되는 줄 알어? |
I've got no choice. 선택의 여지가 없어. |
My ears are burning. 누가 또 내 얘기 하고 있군. |
I'm all ears. 지금 잘 듣고 있어. 말해. |
Better late than never. 늦게 오는게 안오는거 보다 낫다. |
It was just small talk. 그냥 잡담이야. |
I don't give a shit. 난 절대 상관 안해. |
You can't judge a book by its cover. 사람 겉면만 보고 판단하지 마라. |
Look on the bright side. 긍정적으로 생각해. |
It's very nice of you. 정말 고마워(친절하구나). |
Don't fly off the handle. 화부터 내지마. |
I'm sick and tired of him. 그애 때문에 돌아버릴 것 같아. |
Mark my words. 내 말 명심해. |
Face it. 피하지 말고 부딪쳐 봐. |
Don't be such a chicken-shit. 겁먹지마. |
If you need anything, just call. 필요한 것 있으면 연락해. |
I have faith in you. 난 널 믿어. |
It's my fault. 내 잘못이야. |
I take the blame. 내가 책임질게. |
Please forgive me. 용서해줘. |
I didn't mean it. 고의로 그런건 아니야. 그럴 맘은 없었어. |
How can I make it up to you? 내가 어떻게 하면 되겠니? |
It won't happen again. 다시는 그런 일이 없을 거야. |
I'll let it slide this time. 이번엔 봐줄게. |
Forget about it. 됐어. 괜찮아. |
I can't tell you how sorry I am. 정말 미안해. |
I feel pretty low today. 오늘은 저기압이야. |
I'm depressed. 기분이 안좋아. |
Cool off. 진정해. |
Give me a break 웃기지마. |
I don't care. 난 신경안써. |
Stop preaching. I'll do what I wanna do. 설교하지마. 내가 하고 싶은 데로 할거야. |
Don't call me names. 욕하지마. |
You're all wet. 넌 완전히 틀렸어. |
Put up or shut up. 참든지 아니면 입닥쳐. |
Put a muzzle on it. 입 닥쳐. |
Would you back off? 좀 사라져 줄래? |
You sound like you have a frog stuck in your throat. 너 목소리가 아주 허스키 하다. |
He sounds like his pants are too tight. 그 사람 목소리가 꼭 호모 같아. |
다른 사람에 관해서 이야기 할 때 |
She's always shows off. 그 계집애는 늘 뭔가 티를 내고 다녀. |
She's stuck up. 기집애, 별것도 없으면서 괜히 콧대만 높아가지구. |
He's always making excuses for being late. 그앤 늦을 때마다 변명을 해. |
He has a deep pocket. 걘 부자야. |
She is really awesome. 그애 정말 괜찮아. |
She's dressed to kill. 죽이게 입었군. |
She's a dumb blonde. He's a dumb jock. 그애 돌대가리야. |
She's dizzy. 무식하고 멍청해. |
He's really spacy. 정신이 없는 애야. |
He's really scatterbrained. 자꾸만 잊어버려. |
He has a poker face. 걘 알 수가 없어. |
He's weird. 걘 어딘지 좀 이상해. |
He's an old timer. 그는 좀 구식이고 시대에 뒤떨어졌어. |
He has a big mouth. 그 애는 입이 싸. |
He's easy going. 참 편한 사람이야. |
He's cool. 정말 멋있는 녀석이야. |
He's really popular. 그애 인기 캡이야. |
He's narrow-minded. 걔는 밴댕이 소갈딱지야. |
He's mule headed. 그녀석 정말 고집세네. |
His girl friend pulls him around the ring in his nose. 그녀석 여자 한테 코꿰였어. |
She's nasty. 밥맛이야. |
He's kind of slow. 걘 조금 느려. |
He has bad B.O. 그 자식 고약한 냄새가 나. |
He's disgusting. 그애 정말 역겨워. |
He's good at heart. 걘 마음이 따뜻해. |
She's fairly straight. 꽤 정직해. |
She's really pissed off. 그애 정말 화나고 삐졌어. |
취미, 여가 활동 |
음악 |
Let's play a little hip hop. 힙합 음악 듣는거 어때? |
I bought a boom box. 스테레오 샀어. |
What station is this? 이건 주파수가 어디야? |
Turn the stereo down. 소리 좀 낮춰봐. |
I need tunes. 음악을 들어야겠어. |
He did vocals for a band. -그 사람은 밴드에서 보컬을 했어 |
I don't like hip-hop, R&B, or rap. -난 힙합과 리듬엔블루스 그리고 랩음악은 별로 좋아하지 않아. 힙합은 여러분이 잘 알 것이고 R&B는 rhythm and Blues 음악, Rap은 물론 랩송을 뜻한다. I am really picky. 난 좀 까다로워. 음악이나 음식에 있어서 여러 가지를 가리는 사람들을 너무 picky 하다고 말한다 |
I went to see a Hole concert last weekend.-지난 주말에 호울 콘서트에 갔었어. |
I've been messing around with my acoustic a lot lately. |
Want to buy some used CDs? |
Does your store buy used CDs? |
Pearl Jam would have been a hit band in any era. 펄 잼은 세계적인 유명밴드야. |
Their guitars and drums are drowning out the singer. 기타와 드럼소리 때문에 가수의 소리를 들을 수 없어. |
Hole is supposed to be touring with Marilyn Manson. 홀과 메릴린 맨슨이 투어 콘서트를 할거야. |
Tapes are becoming obsolete. 테이프는 더 이상 쓸모가 없어졌어. |
Those are going to flop big-time. 그것들은 별로 좋지가 않아. |
Would you like to take piano lessons? |
I liked Madonna's old songs. |
I hate dance music. |
They play some songs on the radio way too much. 라디오 방송은 다 똑같아. 늘 같은 것만 튼다구. |
Do you know what song I'm talking about? |
I have a song stuck in my head. 기억하는 노래가 하나 있어. |
Does the bar have live music? |
영화, 연극, 공연 |
How about going to a movie? -영화 보러 가는 건 어때? |
How much is the admission? 입장료가 얼마니? |
What's playing? -극장에서 무슨 영화를 상영하고 있죠? |
Have you seen the movie " Grease"? |
What movie has impressed you the most? |
I'd like to buy an advance ticket. 예약표를 사놓으려구. |
That new horror movie is hair-raising. 그 공포영화 정말 죽이더라. |
I'd like to see only first run movies. 처음 상영하는 영화만 보려구. |
I'm still on the fence. 난 아직 결정을 못했어. |
My friend says it is a big hit. 친구가 그러는데 영화 정말 죽인데. |
Who's in this movie? |
When does it start? |
My favorite actor is in this movie. |
Are those seats taken? 여기 자리 있어요? |
Can you save this seat for me? 자리좀 봐 줄래요? |
You have a good hand. 너는 안목이 있어. |
Who's it by? 누구 원작이니? |
I want a front seat. -전 앞 좌석으로 앉을래요 |
I'll bring you to your seat. 제가 자리로 안내해 드리죠. |
I'd like four seats for tonight, please. 오늘밤걸로 네좌석 주세요. |
I bought a standing-room-only ticket. 서서 보는 표를 샀어. |
Where are the best seats you have left? 남은 좌석 중 좋은 것은 어디죠? |
Do you have student rates? 학생 표 있어요? |
How long does the show run? 얼마 동안 하죠? |
That's for sure. 그래 맞아. |
TV |
What do you wanna watch? |
What's on TV? |
I was just flipping through the channels. 그냥 채널을 이리저리 돌려 봤어. |
Change the channel. |
Is there anything good on? |
You're sitting too close to the TV. |
Please adjust the rabbit ears. 안테나좀 조절해봐. |
Give me the remote. |
I like news programs and quiz shows. |
Do you have a blank video tape? |
My VCR is broken. |
You're such a couch potato. 넌 종일 TV만 보는구나. |
I feel cooped up. 바람 좀 쐐야겠어. I'll be right back. 금방올게. |
레저 |
You ever been snowboarding? |
How about another rafting trip this summer? |
I got a hole-in-one! 나 홀인원 했어. |
I'd just use a five. 5번 아이연으로 때려. |
Come on! You can make it! 해봐. 할 수 있어. |
Is there a court open? 그 코트 자리 있어? |
You are heading for trouble. 문제가 될 것 같은데. |
That was awesome going down that hill. 언덕을 타고 내려가는 것은 정말 재미있어. |
I'm trying to find someone to go snowboarding with. |
You need to rent a snowboard. |
Is there no matter if you're skiing or snowboarding? |
Do you know how to ski? |
You go on the lift. 리프트를 타고 가라. |
Are we playing tackle? 태클해도 되는거야? |
I thought you brought it. 난 너가 가져온 줄 알았는데. |
Could you teach me some of your taekwando moves? 태권도 동작을 가르쳐줄래? |
Should I serve or would you rather serve? |
카페 |
Do you have low fat low-cal lattte? 저지방 저칼로리 라테 있어요? |
What are your house coffee specials today? |
Do you carry Colombian coffee? 콜롬비안 커피 있어요? |
How do you brew your coffee? 여기 커피는 어떻게 만드나요? |
Do you serve Cappuccino with Italian cream? 이탈리아산 크림을 넣어주는 카푸치노 있어요? |
Is there such a coffee blend as Bluemountain? 블루마운틴을 블렌드한 커피있어요? |
Is there a coffee shop which hires people with fast food experience? |
컴퓨터 |
I am a computer illiterate. |
I don'ts know shit about computers. |
I'd like to buy a computer. |
Does it include Windows 98? |
My computer is too slow. |
He's a chiphead. 그앤 컴퓨터 없이는 못살아. |
He's a computer whiz. 그앤 컴퓨터 천재야. |
How do I get it to print? 프린트는 어떻게 하니? |
How do I change fonts? |
Double-click on My Computer on your desktop. |
I just don't like this toolbar sitting here. 툴바가 이쪽에 있는 것이 마음에 들지 않아. |
Is that programing you're doing? 너가 지금 하는거 프로그램이야? |
The monitor is wavy. 모니터 화면이 흔들려서 보이지가 않아. |
The screen is frozen. 스크린이 갑자기 움직이지 않아. |
It crashed. 컴퓨터가 다운되었어. |
I think I got a virus on my system. |
Have you been swapping disks with anybody? 너 디스켓 돌린적 있어? |
My computer needs to be fixed. |
My computer won't boot up. 내 컴퓨터가 부팅이 안돼. |
A power surge or spike can fry your motherboard. 파워와 스파이크가 시스템을 망가뜨릴 수 있어. |
I got a new 56K modem. 56000모뎀 샀어. |
What do you think of my own website? 내 웹 사이트 어때? |
I'm checking my e-mail. |
패션 |
What are you all dressed up for? 옷을 쫙 빼입었네. 무슨일 있어? |
He's a sharp dresser. 그애 옷 정말 잘 입어. |
That dress really looks sharp on you. 너 옷 정말 잘 어울린다. |
How do I look? |
You look terrific. |
It's not custom-made. I bought it off the rack. 맞춤옷이 아니고 시장에서 샀어. |
I want this picture framed. 이 사진 액자로 만들어 주세요. |
I want his picture enlarged. 이 사진 확대 부탁합니다. |
Put your coat on before you go out. |
You put your sweater on inside out. 너 스웨터 뒤집어 입었구나. |
You put your sweater on back to front. 너 스웨터 돌려 입었구나. |
She was wearing heavy makeup. 화장 진하다. |
Fix your makeup. 화장 고쳐. |
After she checked her hair, she applied lipstick. 머리손질 후에 립스틱을 발랐어. |
What's the best buy for my money? 이 돈으로 살 수 있는 가장 좋은 것은 뭐죠? |
일상생활 |
아침 식탁 |
Did you have a good night's sleep? |
I'm really burned out. 나 완전히 맛이 갔어. |
How was your date last night? I just felt up her breasts. |
Let's go out for breakfast. What are you going to have? |
I want to shoot the neighbor's dog! 옆집 개짖는 소리 때문에 미칠 것 같아. |
Can I have my has browns well done, please? |
Would you like white or wheat bread? |
It will be worth it. |
How would you like your eggs? Over easy, please. Sunny side up, please. |
I'd like a large orange juice. |
Regular, please. |
My mother is a world-class cook. 우리 엄마 요리 솜씨는 일류야. |
Why don't you try it? |
식당, 음식 |
Where can I get a bite to eat? |
Valet parking only, sir. 벨릿 파킹만 됩니다. |
I'd like to make a dinner reservation. I'd like to reserve a table for tonight. |
Could we have a booth? 칸막이 식탁 있어요? |
I'm expecting company. |
Could I see a menu? |
Could I have more coffee, please? |
Do you have any lo-cal dressing? |
Do you have any surf and turf dishes? 바닷가재와 스테이크를 함께 먹고 싶은데 그런 메뉴있어요? |
Do you want to leave a tip? |
Do you have any veggie plates? 채식주의자들을 위한 메뉴있어요? |
We're going to hold off for a few minutes. 조금 있다가 주문할게요. |
What do you recommend? 뭐가 맛이 있죠? |
What's your speciality? 여기서 가장 잘 하는 요리가 뭐죠? |
I'm on a diet now. |
I'll have the same. |
This tastes like shit. 맛이 형편없어. |
What do you like for dessert? |
Would you care for a drink? |
I could eat a horse. 배가 고파 죽을지경이야. |
Could you hurry the orders? 음식 아직 멀었나요? |
What can you serve very quickly? |
I'd like my steak medium-well, please. |
I'd like some decaf. |
This restaurant serves a killer steak. 이 음식점은 스테이크가 죽여. |
I'm allergic to MSG. 화학조미료 알레르기가 있어. |
Say"when". |
Is there anything else I can get for you? |
Can I speak with the manager? |
Who did you order it from? 어떤 사람한테 주문했죠? |
That was really delicious. |
This food is gross. 음식이 정말 역겹다. |
Would you like a taste? |
You licked the plate clean. 깨끗이 먹어치웠네. |
Doggie bag, please. 남은 음식은 싸 주세요. |
What's the damage? 얼마나 나왔니? |
This will be my treat. 이건 내가 살게. |
Why don't we split the bill? 나눠서 계산하는게 어때? |
쇼핑 |
Let's go window shopping. |
Can I hep you find something? |
I'm looking for a gift for my mom. |
I'm just browsing. |
Go up this aisle and make a right. |
Let's double check. 다시 한번 더 보자. |
Mr. Coffee is on sale for $15.99. 커피메이커가 15달러 99센트로 세일중이야. |
I don't have that much cash. 현금이 그만큼은 없어. |
Can you come down a little? 좀더 깎아주세요. |
He is a regular. 그는 단골 손님이야. |
That's a rip-off. 바가지야. |
How come this store is so high? |
Do you have any cheaper one? |
It's a bit too formal for me. 이건 너무 전장 스타일이야. |
Everyone has different tastes. 각자 취향이 다르잖아. |
That looks nice on you. |
I want something to match this. |
Is it hand washable? |
I like this style. |
This dress is so kinky. 이 드레스 너무 야하다. |
Buy now, pay later. |
Buy one, get one free. |
Do you take Visa? 비지카드 받나요? |
Can you gift-wrap this? 선물포장해 주세요. |
Paper or plastic? 종이가방 아니면 비닐봉투에? |
I would like to return this. 환불받으려구요. |
전화 |
Is this 555-1212? |
Is this the Brown residence? |
Who do you want to talk to? |
Just a sec. |
I need to talk to someone about my U-bill. 등록금 담당자를 바꿔주세요. |
He's not in. |
I think he's out for lunch. |
I need th number for Seoul Station. |
How do you spell that? |
I'd like to make a collect call. |
Will you please answer the phone? |
Speaking. |
I'll get back to you later. |
The phone is dead. 전화가 불통이야. |
It's good to hear your voice. |
I guess I've got to go. 이제 끊어야 할 것 같아. |
I've been trying to reach you all morning. |
Let's keep in touch. |
Where the hell are you? 도대체 너 지금 어디야? |
There's someone on the other line. I must say good-buy now. |
패스트푸드 |
Can I take your order? |
Give me a burger and fries. |
No onions, please. |
Make it two, please. |
It will be worth it. |
Would you cut in half? 반으로 잘라주시겠어요? |
Don't put any ice in my soft drink. |
Will that be for here or to go? |
Would you like something to drink with that? |
Where are the straws? |
These fries are too greasy. 이 감자튀김에 기름이 너무 많아요. |
This isn't what I ordered. |
Would you like half of my sandwich? |
I'm in the mood for pizza. |
We're just about to order a pizza. |
Do you want to chip in? 너도 돈좀 내고 피자 한쪽 먹어라. |
What kind of pizza should we order? |
Do you deliver? |
For pick up or delivery? |
I'd like a vegetarian pizza, please? |
Would you like the pan, thin, or hand-tossed? 팬피자, 얇은 피자 아니면 손반죽피자로? |
What would you like on that? 어떤 토핑을 원하세요? |
Which coupon is that? 어떤 쿠폰을 가지고 계세요? |
How long will it be? |
I'll be right with you. 잠시만요. |
Hold the garlic, please. 마늘은 넣지 마세요. |
Next, please. |
You pig out of pizza. 넌 피자를 돼지처럼 먹는구나. |
아플 때 |
I'm not feeling very good. |
My nose is stuffed-up and I have a fever. |
I hope you'll feel better soon. |
I think I have an upset stomach. 복통이 난 것 같아. |
I get a runny nose at night. 밤에는 콧물이 줄줄 나. |
I've got a cough and a headache. |
I need to take a X-ray. |
Doctor, my back is killing me. 등이 아파 죽겠어요. |
I was lifting a fridge when I suddenly felt a sharp pain. |
I need these prescriptions filled, please. 약 좀 지어 주세요. |
I have a serious stomachache. what should I take? |
Can you tell me where the athlete's foot cream is? 무좀약은 어디에 있어요? |
I have trouble sleeping at night. (insomnia) |
Please take a deep breath. |
I need to get something for my cold. |
I need to use these crutches for six to eight weeks. 6주에서 8주 정도 이 목발을 사용해야해. |
I need to get a check up. 검진은 받아야해. |
I can't hold food down. 음식을 삼킬 수가 없어. |
I'm dead tired. 너무 피곤하다. |
공부, 일 |
수강신청, 수업, 학점 |
I was wondering how many semester hours I should take? |
If I retake the course, what happens to my previous grade? |
How many classes are you taking? |
I've signed up for 4classes. |
Have you finished your class project yet? |
It counts for 1/3 of our grade. |
Don't you have a syllabus? |
We have to report due next Friday. |
Why do you want do drop it? |
I'm sorry, my class is full. |
I need your class to graduate. |
Can I record the lecture? |
What can I do to improve my grade in this class? |
I need to borrow notes from my friend |
Did you go to brown-nose? 너 교수님께 아부하러 갔지? |
What class are you coming from? |
Lots of babes and easy work. |
Why didn't you show up the class? |
Don't be a copycat. |
I need to brush up on my English. |
Bookworm. |
May I be excused from class today? |
대학생활, 문화 |
I got wait-listed by Harvard. |
It costs a bundle to go to college. |
Congratulations on your graduation! |
I'm going to my class reunion. |
What's your major? |
Politics is not my cup of tea. |
What's your native tongue? |
You're five years my senior. |
Don't wait up for me. I'll be late. |
I have part-time jobs and a scholarship. |
I need a copy of my transcript. |
I would like to see my advisor, please. |
Do you have an appointment? |
I want like to change my major. |
I was a different person many moons ago. |
I need to take an additional English class. |
Did you get your school ID cared yet? |
Can I get on the waiting list? |
That sounds like a better idea. |
Don't you want money for your books? |
could you give me a hand with my studying? |
Study hard. Work hard. Play hard. |
시험 |
I feel like total shit. |
HE won first place. |
I blew it. |
I've been up late the ppast couple of nights. |
I tried my best. |
We had a quiz today. |
Waht's it on? |
It's on everything we're read so far. |
I guewss it's cram time. |
You knowe that attendance accounts for 20% of your grade. |
I guess my A will trun out to be a B. |
What did you get on your exam? |
I got an A. |
When's midterms? |
I've got butterflies in my stomach. |
I'm flunking in English lit. |
교수, 도서관 |
I need a recommendation from you. |
I have only missed three classes this semester. |
Thanks for the advice. |
The professor is so picky. |
Am I transparent? |
Can I make up the work later? |
I need to find some books for a paper I'm writing. |
How do I find the book? |
I wonder how much all these books are worth. |
I am suppose to get a book on reserve for my class. |
You sound like a fun person. |
I just got off. |
Let's go study in a quiet room. |
I can't help coughing. |
Let's give it a try. |
I'm going to check it out. |
I need to return a few books. |
비즈니스 |
Let's do lunch sometime. |
I didn't catch your name. |
After you. |
This is our rock bottom price. |
You shouldn't have. |
We're talking the same language. |
Would you mind if I light up? |
What do you do for a living? |
We're downsizing these days. |
Who's calling the shots here? |
Let me sleep on it, please. |
The ball is in your court. It's your move. |
They're selling like hot cakes. |
My condolences. |
Can you put that in writing? |
Life is not a;; roses and wind. |
Fax it to me ASAP. |
Can you make an exception in this case? |
It's a win-win solution. |
May I be excused? |
I don't want to get involved. |
He's a snake in the grass. |
I take the blame. |
That's not what I said. |
Let's shoot the breeze. |
Don't work too hard. |
What time does he punch in? |
What floor is Dr. Kiin's office on? |
My computer is down. |
Let's break for coffee. |
Did you brown-bag it today? |
Your creit card maxed out. |
Why the long face? |
Could you babysit my son? |
Welcome aboard! |
What do you do on the side? |
He's off his rocker. (He's crazy) |
He's off today. |
I'll call it quits. |
I'm dead broke. |
I'm in the black. |
I'm robbing Peter to pay Paul. |
I got chewed out. |
Good work! |
You're heading for trouble. |
I'm on pins and needles. |
Grab a hold of yourself. |
God, you're got to kidding! |
Can I borrow your laptop? |
Could I get by, please? |
은행 |
I need some change, please. |
I'd like to cash a check. |
I'd like to open an account. |
I'd like to make a deposit. |
What's your account number? |
How much money do you want? |
Press your PIN number here. |
How would you like your &25? |
The ATM are my cared. |
Let me have your John Hancock. |
Did you get your paycheck? |
You can bank on it. |
자동차, 여행 |
자동차 |
What make and model is your car? |
I'm licked out of my car. |
What kind of gas mileage do you get? |
What the mileage on your odometer? |
My car is acting up again. |
I think your shocks are wearing out. |
Those tires you got are too big for the car. |
It's a one-owner beauty. |
He's a Sunday driver. |
Don't be a leadfoot. |
That guy is a road hog. |
Would you like to take it for a spin? |
It won't start. |
My battery is dead. |
I got a jump-start from a friend. |
I need a tune-up. |
I have a flat tire. |
Do you have a spare? |
교통상황 |
Make a right at the light. |
What's the cross street there? |
I was tied up in traffic. |
I had a little fender-bender. |
Traffic is really backed-up. |
I'm sorry we're backlogged. |
My friend Janet got her car broken into. |
I'm a victim of a hit and run. |
I need blanket coverage. |
I got injured in a head-on collision. |
You were speeding. |
Boy, out of the fire and into the frying pan! 산너머 산이야. |
I saw the whole thing. |
I got the license plate number. |
Could you direct me to the nearest subway station? |
Mind backing up, please. |
It's chicken feed. |
I bought it last week! |
Just don't get a green Honda. |
Have you seen the new Ford Escorts? |
Fill her up, please. |
Regular, please. |
Can you check the tires? |
Can I have a ride? |
It makes life easier. |
I want a car that will be easy on my pocket. |
I don't want to pay an arm and a leg for this car. |
Do you have a cosigner? |
He's a lay-down. |
Buckle up! |
Let's carpool. |
비행기 |
I want to visit the Big Apple. |
The Big Apple is filled with young kids trying to get into showbiz. |
I need a ticket to New York City. |
I need to leave in the morning. |
I have to be there early Tuesday and I'm staying until Saturday. |
How much for couch? |
I would like an open seat ticket to San Francisco. 샌프란시스코까지 오픈티켓으로 주세요. |
When would you like to go? |
Can I get an aisle seat? |
I want a seat up close. 좌석은 앞쪽으로 부탁합니다. |
Could I put it on reserve? 그냥 예약만 넣어주시겠어요? |
I need to cancel my ticket. |
I need to reschedule my flight. |
Can I put my name on the waiting list? |
Do I have to pay extra? |
When is the departure time? |
Could you spell it for me, please? |
You have to check that bag, too. |
Can I check my baggage through to Seoul? 이가방 서울에서 찾으면 됩니까? |
My ears are popping. 귀가 멍멍해. |
I want to get there in one piece. 무사히만 갔으면 좋겠어. |
I've got a plane to catch. |
I'm afraid to fly. |
Is it non-stop? |
You switch planes in Dallas. |
How long before we land? 얼마나 더 가야 되죠? |
Is there a layover? 어디에서 기다렸다 가야되지? |
Would you care for some nuts? |
Coffee or tea? |
My luggage is missing. |
Can I get a hand with my baggage? |
I need a barf bag. |
I'm jet-legged. |
I took the red-eye. 밤비행기를 타고 왔어. |
Same to you! 당신도요. |
What are your New Year's resolutions? 새해소망이 있다면요? |
호텔 |
I need a room. |
I'd like a room with a view of the city. |
I'd like to check in. |
What is my total? |
I'd like to put it on my Visa. 비자카드로 계산하죠. |
I'm freezing. |
If you cold, go put on a sweater or something. |
It's like a small sauna in here. |
Do you have any vacancies? |
Give me a wake-up call at 7:00. |
I made a killing in Las Vegas yesterday. |
Look for cars when you cross the street. |
This room is 1510. I'd like to order. |
Do you have child care services? |
Where can I get a bite to eat? |
We'll bring your order right up, sir. |
Do you have an iron and an ironing board I can use? |
I'd like a couple if shirts pressed. |
Where can I rent some wheels? 어디 차 빌리는 곳 있어요? |
랜터카 |
I'm here to rent a car. |
What type of car are you interested in? |
Do you have any convertibles? |
When do you need it for? |
Please fill out this form. |
Would you like limited or unlimited miles? |
What's the price difference? |
what is the rate for a compact? |
Could I rent it one way? |
I'm here to return the car. |
I'll be with you in a minute. |
I was supposed to bring it yesterday. |
You will have to pay a late fee. |
I need to get some maps for my trip. |
대중교통 |
Let's catch a cab. |
where's the taxi stand? |
Could you pull over there? |
I need to go to Main Street. |
Could you please roll up your window? |
Where is the bus stop? |
Which bus goes to downtown? |
How long will the next bus be? |
Is this the right bus to Chicago? |
How many stops from here is it? |
Step on it, please. |
Please drop me off at the next stop. |
Will you tell me when to get off? |
Where should I transfer trains? |
The train from Boston is behind schedule. |
I'm taking the Green Limo. 버스를 타고 갈거야. |
I went to Hawaii to catch some rays. 하와이에 썬텐하러 갔지. |
I've been robbed. |
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