Jehan Georges Vibert
(1840 ~ 1902)
French Painter
1. Autumn Flowers
2. Why Comes He Not
3. The Duet
4. A Fine Point
5. a plate of cakes large
6. Cardinal Reading a Letter
7. Chatting by the Fountain
8. Gulliver
9. Daphnis and Chloe 1866
10. Napoleon and Son
11. Preparations for the Procession
12. Scramble for the Lunch
13. Tea for the Bishop
14. The Bullfighter's Adoring Crowd
15. The Diet
16. The Distraction
17. The Final Touch
18. The Fortune Teller
19. The Preening Peacock
20. The Preparations
21. The Serenade
22. The Sick Doctor
23. The Wrath of the Bishop
24. The View from the Balcony
25. Un Scandale
26. Young Girl Arranging Flowers
27. The Convent Choir
28. The Reproach
29. Le depart des maries, Espagne
30. Un Secret D etat
31. The Connoisseur
32. Planning Napoleon's Coronation
33. Jehan-Georges Vibert 1873
34. Monseigneur en Visite
어느 황홀한 저녁 (Some Enchanted Evening