음악 코-너 group/외국음악

Were you there? 한국남성합창단과 로저 와그너 합창단이 부릅니다

素彬여옥 2013. 3. 31. 16:17





한국 남성합창단





거기 너 있었는가 그 때에


거기 너 있었는가 그 때에
주님 그 십자가에 달릴 때
오~오 때로 그 일로 나는 떨려 떨려 떨려
거기 너 있었는가 그 때에.

거기 너 있었는가 그 때에
주님 그 나무 위에 달릴 때
오~오 때로 그 일로 나는 떨려 떨려 떨려
거기 너 있었는가 그 때에.

거기 너 있었는가 그 때에
해가 그 밝은 빛을 잃을 때
오~오 때로 그 일로 나는 떨려 떨려 떨려
거기 너 있었는가 그 때에.

거기 너 있었는가 그 때에
주님을 무덤 속에 뉘일 때
오~오 때로 그 일로 나는 떨려 떨려 떨려
거기 너 있었는가 그 때에.

거기 너 있었는가 그 때에
주께서 무덤에서 나올 때
오~오 때로 그 일로 주께 영광 영광 영광.




Traditional American Spiritual


Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Oh . . .
Sometimes it causes me

to tremble.. Tremble.. Tremble
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

Were you there when they nailed Him

to the tree?
Were you there when they nailed Him

to the tree?
Oh . . .
Sometimes it causes me

to tremble...Tremble...Tremble
Were you there when they nailed Him

to the tree?

Were you there when they pierced Him

in the side?
Were you there when they pierced Him

in the side?
Oh . . .
Sometimes it causes me

to tremble...Tremble...Tremble
Were you there when they pierced Him

in the side?

Were you there when the sun refused to shine?
Were you there when the sun refused to shine?
Oh . . .
Sometimes it causes me

to tremble...Tremble...Tremble

Were you there when the sun refused to shine?

Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
Oh . . .
Sometimes it causes me

to tremble...Tremble...Tremble

Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?





로저 와그너 합창단이 부릅니다.


Were you there / Roger Wagner Chorale