Bouguereau, William Adolphe

Fraternal Love, 1851, oil on canvas, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 99KB

The Dance, 1856, oil on canvas, Musée d'Orsay, Paris. 93KB

All Saints' Day (Le jour des morts), 1859, oil on canvas, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux. 111KB

Rest at Harvest, 1865, oil on cavnas, Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa. 116KB

The Thanks Offering, 1867, oil on canvas, Philadelphia Museum of Art. 119KB

Art & Literature, 1867, oil on canvas, Arnot Art Museum, Elmira, NY. 109KB

The Shell, 1871, oil on canvas. 92KB

Nymphs & Satyr, 1873, oil on canvas, Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown. 126KB

Cupidon, 1875, Bridgeman Art Library, London. 106KB

The Secret, 1876, oil on canvas, New York Historical Society. 122KB

Return from the Harvest, 1878, oil on canvas, Museum of Art & Gardens, Jacksonville. 120KB

A Soul Brought to Heaven, 1878, oil on canvas, Musée du Périgord. 101KB

Charity, 1878, oil on canvas, Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton. 106KB

Rest, 1879, oil on canvas, The Cleveland Museum of Art. 138KB

The Birth of Venus, 1879, oil on canvas, Musée d'Orsay at Paris. 123KB

Temptation, 1880, oil on canvas, The Minneapolis Institute of Arts. 142KB

Young Girl Defending Herself against Eros, 1880, oil on canvas, University of North Carolina, Wilmington. 126KB

Song of the Angels, 1881, oil on canvas, Museum at Forest-Lawn Memorial-Park, Glendale. 126KB

Child at Bath, 1886, oil on canvas, Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington. 99KB

The Annunciation, 1888, oil on canvas. 103KB

The Bohemian, 1890, oil on canvas, The Minneapolis Institute of Arts. 102KB

Innocence, 1890, oil on canvas. 101KB

Work Interrupted, 1891, oil on canvas, Mead Art Museum, Amherst College. 119KB

The Abduction of Psyche, 1895, oil on canvas, Private Collection. 100KB

Girl, 1895, oil on canvas, The Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh. 121KB

The Virgin with Angels, 1900, oil on canvas, Musée du Petit Palais at Paris. 122KB
자료제공 : joseph